All Institutions to be governed well
Fearlessness, benevolence, wisdom and zeal are the hall marks of a good administrator.
Alertness, knowledge and courage are the essential attributes of any administrator. 383
Any Institution must observe unblemished virtue and abstain from all wrong doings. 384
The economic principles of an Institution must focus on producing, acquiring, preserving and making equitable distribution of wealth and services. 385
The people will greatly appreciate if Administrators are easy to access and treat the citizens courteously. 386
The whole world would respect such an administration which is courteous, friendly and protective of citizens’ interests. 387
Every Institution must dispense justice and protect the interests of people. And such Institutions are considered highly divine. 388
An Institution which would be receptive to criticism will be held high in esteem by all people. 389
An enlightened Administration is one which works with focus on beneficence, benevolence, rule of justice and people’s welfare. 390
What is Good Governance?
Proper examination of issues coming up, impartial consideration and doing justice to every one is good governance. 541
Just as the people of the world look up to the sky for adequate rains, the citizens of a country look up to all Institutions for good governance. Grace of God and grace in Governance are the two things that keep people happy. 542
The human civilization started with Good Governance. And based on those principles of Good Governance, codification was done in the form of Vedas, Scriptures and Dharma.
The people of whole world would eagerly submit themselves to the Government that practices Good Governance. 544
Where the Good Governance prevails, the environment is well taken care of and the Nature in return takes care of people blessing them with copious rains and plentiful crops.
God protects the world. The Ruler protects the people. Good Governance protects the ruler. 547
The Ruler who fails to govern well would be working towards his own dismissal. 548
When it is Bad Governance?
A Government which is unjust is worse than the cruelty of murderers. 551
A Ruler who demands money and practices extortion and corruption is like an armed highway robber demanding money. 552
Good Governance requires day to day dispensation of justice and day to day elimination of wrongs. The Administrator who fails in this is leading the country to ruin day by day.
The Government which does not prevent abuse of power would face economic disaster and would ultimately lose its people as well. 554
The misuse and abuse of powers in Government makes the people feel hapless. When people stand de-motivated, they cannot contribute to the promotion of economy. The result is economic down fall of the country. 555
A Government shines by Good Governance. And the absence of Good Governance makes the Government lose its shine and endurance. 556
Prosperity to people can be brought by the Government and the rains. People living without the support of the Government is the same as people living without rains. 557
The country may have all the wealth of natural resources. But none of these can bring prosperity to people under the Government which thrives on misuse and abuse of powers. Thus living under an unruly Government, is worse than living in poverty. 558
Rains fail to fall on the land governed by unjust Governments. When natural resources are plundered, the nature obviously feels it is no use giving such people the natural gifts. Thus where there is unjust ruler, there are inadequate rains. 559
If the protector does not protect, there would be problems of law and order since people would stop practicing virtues. When people stop practicing virtues productivity in the country will come down and the country as a whole would lose its prosperity. 560
Let there be discipline in all Functionaries
Good Governance warrants proper enquiry into alleged misuses of power and award of deterrent punishment to avoid recurrence. 561
Long term prosperity of the country can be ensured only by strict maintenance of discipline in Governance. The award of punishments must be quick but not necessarily severe. 562
Being severe with criminals and giving them exemplary punishments are not any faults in the Ruler. They are his duties to ensure protection of his subjects. 549
Awarding death penalty to murderers and the like is similar to weeding the field clear of unnecessary growth. 550
However, award of severe punishments bordering on terror and cruelty is not in the long term interest of the country. 563
Functionaries entrusted with the governing functions should not turn dictators. If they do so, they can not survive for long in power. 564
When the functionaries make themselves inaccessible, put people in fear and amass wealth for themselves, you can take it that the whole Governance has passed into the hands of demon. 565
Every enforcing agency must practice compassion. If they get cruel, do not respect people and do not practice compassion, it will drive away prosperity from the country.
Using unkind words and acting unjustly will take the shine out of the functionaries managing the affairs of the state. 567
The Ruler who does not heed to wise counsel and who makes the subjects victims of his wrath who soon shrink in size. 568
Every functionary is expected to protect people’s interests. All resources are entrusted to his hands only to act in people’s welfare. Despite resources in his hands, if he does not take efforts to protect his people, he will be unable to protect himself in times of turmoil.
Greatest of burdens befall on a country when the Ruler turns a Dictator surrounded by the selfish and unwise. 570
Let there be Kindliness towards people
The world can survive only if every one carries kindliness in their eyes and humanity in their demeanor. 571
Every one us live because someone is kind to us. If every one is unkind to one, he would have long quit and exited this world. Those who lack kindliness would endanger others and are thus a burden to this earth. 572
Music means there has to be tune. A song without a tune is not a song. Eye means it has to carry kindness. An eye without kindness is no more an eye. 573
Eyes do not become eyes just because they remain on our face. An eye without kindness is of no utility. 574
We wear ornaments to make our necks and hands a beauty. The ornament to the eyes is kindliness. And without kindliness, our eyes would look sour and thus are a mere sore on our face. 575
Eyes without the expression of kindness resemble barren trees on the earth. 576
Eyes to be meaningful must be benign. Without benignity in his eyes, the man is actually blind. He would be blind to people’s woes. 577
We all need to perform our duties with a graceful mind. The right to live in this world is available only to those who can exercise kindness without affecting their duties. 578
The greatest virtue in a person is extension of kind consideration even to those who bring grief to him. 579
A man is civilized only when he treats even bad people with equanimity. 580
Extend Courtesy towards citizens
Functionaries are to be courteous. They should be easy of access to people. That is the way they can command respect of all. 991
Functionaries should develop feelings of love and care for people coming to them and be virtuous. 992
One’s physical personality and impeccable dress do not necessarily enhance one’s worth. One’s worth comes from one’s courteous behavior and humanity. 993
Functionaries should focus on extending assistance to people and make them feel grateful. 994
Functionaries should take extra care not to be discourteous and unfriendly. 995
The edifice of the whole humanity is built on kindness of each other. Even the functionaries themselves survive only on the kindness of someone. If people are unkind to each other, the whole world would have perished long ago. 996
All functionaries are basically selected to the posts they occupy based on their knowledge and intellect. But their very purpose of being in that position is to be alive to the needs of people. But if one is not alive [to that purpose] he is as good as dead like a piece of wood. 997
Another trait needed in functionaries is to be courteous even to those who are rude. People aggrieved sometimes lose their temper in the presence of functionaries. Despite that, functionaries are expected to be courteous even to people who are unkind. 98
Aggrieved people who face discourtesy at the hands of functionaries feel it is dark all around, even in the day light. Having been rejected by the functionaries, they don’t know where to go. 999
The Government entrusts enormous resources at the hands of functionaries just to help people. It is like the cow giving the milk to every family to feed the children. But what would happen if that milk is kept in an unclean vessel and allowed to go sour? The children would go hungry despite the cow’s benevolence. Similar would the fate of resources entrusted at the hands of functionaries when they apply those resources to wrong ends and deprive needy citizens. 1000
According to Hindu mythology, the society was divided into four groups keeping Brahmins as superior to the other three. Similarly the Government too has divided the entire work force into four groups and has kept the administrators as superior to the other three. Just like the expectations from Brahmins, these administrators are expected to follow righteous path of Virtues with kindness and love towards all citizens. 30
The functionaries who simply watch deprivation and grievances abound in the country, do not deserve to stay in power. 1062
Rules have been made for good of the people. But the rule makers could not have envisaged all the situations that might surface. There the functionaries must not apply the rules blindly. They should apply them by looking into their appropriateness in the changing situations and apply them with common sense. 637
The functionaries should ensure that nothing unethical gets done under their jurisdiction. They should help the Government earn their revenue only through lawful taxes and levies. 756
Any work undertaken by the functionaries involving finance must be as transparent as two elephants engaging together on a mountain top in full public view. 758
The ultimate objective: Upgrade the country into a Nation
A Nation is one where there is abundance of produce, rich commerce and virtuous people. 731
A Nation is one which has enormous wealth and prosperity to share and there are no calamities. 732
A Nation is one which has the resources to bear its outgoings and the citizens willingly pay their taxes. 733
A Nation is one where there is absence of hunger, disease and wars. 734
A Nation is one where there are no groupisms, no internal dissentions and no criminal elements. 735
The best Nation is one which does not face any crisis and is capable of meeting any demands on it from out of its rich resources. 736
The limbs of a Nation are well protected borders, protective mountains and plenty of water resources, viz. the ground water resources, surface water resources and running water resources. 737
The five jewels of a Nation are Health, wealth, bountiful yields, happy citizens and effective security. 738
A Nation is one which is rich by its natural resources and not the one which produces wealth by toil and hard labor. 739
A good army, protected borders, friendship with the neighbors, virtuous ministers, wealthy economy and worthy citizens are the markings of Good Governance. 381
It is not the law and order enforcement that ensures peace and prosperity of a Nation. They are achieved through Good Governance. 546
When all the wealth is available but ruled by an incapable ruler and no harmony among people, a Nation becomes a mere country. 740
Where the Good Governance prevails, the environment is well taken care of and the Nature in return takes care of people blessing them with copious rains and plentiful crops.
[While translating from his writings in Tamil, I have used the words “Government” and “Institutions” interchangeably to cover different forms of Establishments. Whichever the term used, the tenets explained herein apply to all Establishments.]
Fearlessness, benevolence, wisdom and zeal are the hall marks of a good administrator.
Alertness, knowledge and courage are the essential attributes of any administrator. 383
Any Institution must observe unblemished virtue and abstain from all wrong doings. 384
The economic principles of an Institution must focus on producing, acquiring, preserving and making equitable distribution of wealth and services. 385
The people will greatly appreciate if Administrators are easy to access and treat the citizens courteously. 386
The whole world would respect such an administration which is courteous, friendly and protective of citizens’ interests. 387
Every Institution must dispense justice and protect the interests of people. And such Institutions are considered highly divine. 388
An Institution which would be receptive to criticism will be held high in esteem by all people. 389
An enlightened Administration is one which works with focus on beneficence, benevolence, rule of justice and people’s welfare. 390
What is Good Governance?
Proper examination of issues coming up, impartial consideration and doing justice to every one is good governance. 541
Just as the people of the world look up to the sky for adequate rains, the citizens of a country look up to all Institutions for good governance. Grace of God and grace in Governance are the two things that keep people happy. 542
The human civilization started with Good Governance. And based on those principles of Good Governance, codification was done in the form of Vedas, Scriptures and Dharma.
The people of whole world would eagerly submit themselves to the Government that practices Good Governance. 544
Where the Good Governance prevails, the environment is well taken care of and the Nature in return takes care of people blessing them with copious rains and plentiful crops.
God protects the world. The Ruler protects the people. Good Governance protects the ruler. 547
The Ruler who fails to govern well would be working towards his own dismissal. 548
When it is Bad Governance?
A Government which is unjust is worse than the cruelty of murderers. 551
A Ruler who demands money and practices extortion and corruption is like an armed highway robber demanding money. 552
Good Governance requires day to day dispensation of justice and day to day elimination of wrongs. The Administrator who fails in this is leading the country to ruin day by day.
The Government which does not prevent abuse of power would face economic disaster and would ultimately lose its people as well. 554
The misuse and abuse of powers in Government makes the people feel hapless. When people stand de-motivated, they cannot contribute to the promotion of economy. The result is economic down fall of the country. 555
A Government shines by Good Governance. And the absence of Good Governance makes the Government lose its shine and endurance. 556
Prosperity to people can be brought by the Government and the rains. People living without the support of the Government is the same as people living without rains. 557
The country may have all the wealth of natural resources. But none of these can bring prosperity to people under the Government which thrives on misuse and abuse of powers. Thus living under an unruly Government, is worse than living in poverty. 558
Rains fail to fall on the land governed by unjust Governments. When natural resources are plundered, the nature obviously feels it is no use giving such people the natural gifts. Thus where there is unjust ruler, there are inadequate rains. 559
If the protector does not protect, there would be problems of law and order since people would stop practicing virtues. When people stop practicing virtues productivity in the country will come down and the country as a whole would lose its prosperity. 560
Let there be discipline in all Functionaries
Good Governance warrants proper enquiry into alleged misuses of power and award of deterrent punishment to avoid recurrence. 561
Long term prosperity of the country can be ensured only by strict maintenance of discipline in Governance. The award of punishments must be quick but not necessarily severe. 562
Being severe with criminals and giving them exemplary punishments are not any faults in the Ruler. They are his duties to ensure protection of his subjects. 549
Awarding death penalty to murderers and the like is similar to weeding the field clear of unnecessary growth. 550
However, award of severe punishments bordering on terror and cruelty is not in the long term interest of the country. 563
Functionaries entrusted with the governing functions should not turn dictators. If they do so, they can not survive for long in power. 564
When the functionaries make themselves inaccessible, put people in fear and amass wealth for themselves, you can take it that the whole Governance has passed into the hands of demon. 565
Every enforcing agency must practice compassion. If they get cruel, do not respect people and do not practice compassion, it will drive away prosperity from the country.
Using unkind words and acting unjustly will take the shine out of the functionaries managing the affairs of the state. 567
The Ruler who does not heed to wise counsel and who makes the subjects victims of his wrath who soon shrink in size. 568
Every functionary is expected to protect people’s interests. All resources are entrusted to his hands only to act in people’s welfare. Despite resources in his hands, if he does not take efforts to protect his people, he will be unable to protect himself in times of turmoil.
Greatest of burdens befall on a country when the Ruler turns a Dictator surrounded by the selfish and unwise. 570
Let there be Kindliness towards people
The world can survive only if every one carries kindliness in their eyes and humanity in their demeanor. 571
Every one us live because someone is kind to us. If every one is unkind to one, he would have long quit and exited this world. Those who lack kindliness would endanger others and are thus a burden to this earth. 572
Music means there has to be tune. A song without a tune is not a song. Eye means it has to carry kindness. An eye without kindness is no more an eye. 573
Eyes do not become eyes just because they remain on our face. An eye without kindness is of no utility. 574
We wear ornaments to make our necks and hands a beauty. The ornament to the eyes is kindliness. And without kindliness, our eyes would look sour and thus are a mere sore on our face. 575
Eyes without the expression of kindness resemble barren trees on the earth. 576
Eyes to be meaningful must be benign. Without benignity in his eyes, the man is actually blind. He would be blind to people’s woes. 577
We all need to perform our duties with a graceful mind. The right to live in this world is available only to those who can exercise kindness without affecting their duties. 578
The greatest virtue in a person is extension of kind consideration even to those who bring grief to him. 579
A man is civilized only when he treats even bad people with equanimity. 580
Extend Courtesy towards citizens
Functionaries are to be courteous. They should be easy of access to people. That is the way they can command respect of all. 991
Functionaries should develop feelings of love and care for people coming to them and be virtuous. 992
One’s physical personality and impeccable dress do not necessarily enhance one’s worth. One’s worth comes from one’s courteous behavior and humanity. 993
Functionaries should focus on extending assistance to people and make them feel grateful. 994
Functionaries should take extra care not to be discourteous and unfriendly. 995
The edifice of the whole humanity is built on kindness of each other. Even the functionaries themselves survive only on the kindness of someone. If people are unkind to each other, the whole world would have perished long ago. 996
All functionaries are basically selected to the posts they occupy based on their knowledge and intellect. But their very purpose of being in that position is to be alive to the needs of people. But if one is not alive [to that purpose] he is as good as dead like a piece of wood. 997
Another trait needed in functionaries is to be courteous even to those who are rude. People aggrieved sometimes lose their temper in the presence of functionaries. Despite that, functionaries are expected to be courteous even to people who are unkind. 98
Aggrieved people who face discourtesy at the hands of functionaries feel it is dark all around, even in the day light. Having been rejected by the functionaries, they don’t know where to go. 999
The Government entrusts enormous resources at the hands of functionaries just to help people. It is like the cow giving the milk to every family to feed the children. But what would happen if that milk is kept in an unclean vessel and allowed to go sour? The children would go hungry despite the cow’s benevolence. Similar would the fate of resources entrusted at the hands of functionaries when they apply those resources to wrong ends and deprive needy citizens. 1000
According to Hindu mythology, the society was divided into four groups keeping Brahmins as superior to the other three. Similarly the Government too has divided the entire work force into four groups and has kept the administrators as superior to the other three. Just like the expectations from Brahmins, these administrators are expected to follow righteous path of Virtues with kindness and love towards all citizens. 30
The functionaries who simply watch deprivation and grievances abound in the country, do not deserve to stay in power. 1062
Rules have been made for good of the people. But the rule makers could not have envisaged all the situations that might surface. There the functionaries must not apply the rules blindly. They should apply them by looking into their appropriateness in the changing situations and apply them with common sense. 637
The functionaries should ensure that nothing unethical gets done under their jurisdiction. They should help the Government earn their revenue only through lawful taxes and levies. 756
Any work undertaken by the functionaries involving finance must be as transparent as two elephants engaging together on a mountain top in full public view. 758
The ultimate objective: Upgrade the country into a Nation
A Nation is one where there is abundance of produce, rich commerce and virtuous people. 731
A Nation is one which has enormous wealth and prosperity to share and there are no calamities. 732
A Nation is one which has the resources to bear its outgoings and the citizens willingly pay their taxes. 733
A Nation is one where there is absence of hunger, disease and wars. 734
A Nation is one where there are no groupisms, no internal dissentions and no criminal elements. 735
The best Nation is one which does not face any crisis and is capable of meeting any demands on it from out of its rich resources. 736
The limbs of a Nation are well protected borders, protective mountains and plenty of water resources, viz. the ground water resources, surface water resources and running water resources. 737
The five jewels of a Nation are Health, wealth, bountiful yields, happy citizens and effective security. 738
A Nation is one which is rich by its natural resources and not the one which produces wealth by toil and hard labor. 739
A good army, protected borders, friendship with the neighbors, virtuous ministers, wealthy economy and worthy citizens are the markings of Good Governance. 381
It is not the law and order enforcement that ensures peace and prosperity of a Nation. They are achieved through Good Governance. 546
When all the wealth is available but ruled by an incapable ruler and no harmony among people, a Nation becomes a mere country. 740
Where the Good Governance prevails, the environment is well taken care of and the Nature in return takes care of people blessing them with copious rains and plentiful crops.
[While translating from his writings in Tamil, I have used the words “Government” and “Institutions” interchangeably to cover different forms of Establishments. Whichever the term used, the tenets explained herein apply to all Establishments.]
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